The origin of the Foundation
Simone Blom
Simone Blom (1938-2018) had a glorious career ahead of her as an educator, when, just before her fortieth birthday, disaster suddenly struck. She felt a severe pain in her lower back. A physical cause was not immediately found, a reason for the medics, who examined her, to quickly determine that her complaint was of a purely psychological nature. Later it turned out that there was indeed a physical cause, namely a growing tumor in her spinal cord, but by then it was too late. Simone was sentenced to spend the rest of her life in bed with a spinal cord injury, completely dependent on the care of others.
She had the choice to fight or lose. She chose to fight and committed herself to receiving reparation for the wrongs done to her. At the same time, she wanted to assist others who, like herself, were victims of a misdiagnosis or incorrect medical treatment. To this end, she and her husband founded the Foundation Against Medical Randomness in 1987. The money she received over the years as personal satisfaction, she donated in full to the foundation. Assisted by an advisory board, made up of professors and doctors, who had the courage to stick their necks out, she achieved excellent results in court cases, driven in on a stretcher, for victims who appealed to the foundation.
After Simone's death, her fellow board members examined how the Foundation Against Medical Randomness could best be continued. They realized that developments had taken place over the years that required adjustments. They decided to expand the target group and continue the foundation under a different name. This is how the CCC Foundation was created, where the letters CCC stand for Cure, Care and Creativity.